Prerequisites for Blynk

Simuli Virtual Lab

First, we need to create a new instance on the Simuli Virtual Lab platform which has an Arduino Uno, a W5500 Ethernet Module, and an SHT2X Temperature and Humidity Sensor.

Log in to your Simuli account and navigate to the Simuli Virtual Lab. Here we will create a new emulated instance of the Arduino Uno. Click on the Launch button under the Arduino to get started.

This will open the configuration menu. First, provide a name for the project. Then, we will add the SHT2X Temperature and Humidity Sensor and the W5500 Ethernet Module by selecting them from the list of available components. Finally, review that the name for the project and the selected sensors are correct and click on the Launch button.

Once we have clicked on the Launch button, a new instance of the Arduino Uno will be created. It can take a few minutes for this process to be completed.

While our new instance is being created, let's move forward to creating a Blynk account and configure it.


Before we can start using Blynk, we first need to create a Blynk account, Go to this page and click on Create new account in the login prompt. Enter the required details and sign up.

Once you are on the Home page navigate to Templates page using the left-hand navigation panel. Then click on +New Template present on the right-hand upper corner and fill in the required configuration.

Once created open the template and open the tab Datastream. Here we will create virtual pins and data streams for the dashboard. Click on edit in the right-hand upper corner and then click on +New Datastream and configure the pins. The below screenshots can be referred.

Once data streams are created open the tab Web Dashboard. Here you can customize the Dashboard according to your interests.

Now we will create a device, on the home page click on +New Device on the right-hand upper corner. Click on From Template, then select the template, provide a name to it and click on Create.

Arduino IDE

If you have not set up your Arduino IDE, follow the guide linked below.

Prerequisites for Arduino Development

Before using Blynk, we need to install the relevant libraries. For this, open your Arduino IDE and go to Tools and then to Manage Libraries.... This will open up the library manager, here we can search for Blynk, select the library and install it. Then, search for Sodaq_SHT2x library select and install it. Now we are ready to communicate with Blynk.

Now we are ready to program our Arduino Uno.

Last updated